Hey I’m Yoni. I’m a principal at Slow Ventures investing in digital health, fintech, and vertical SaaS.

99% Derisible is a space for me to organize my thoughts, play around with ideas, and hopefully deliver something valuable or at least entertaining.


adjective | de·ris·i·ble | \də̇ˈrizəbəl, dēˈ-/

worthy of derision or scorn

This site is called 99% Derisible because it's not a finished product or something to be taken too seriously. Everything here should be treated as an experiment or work in progress as I keep developing ideas and talking to all of you. Most of this site (approximately 99%) is probably trash.

You can find me on twitter for my continuous brain dump/rants. Don’t be a stranger.

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Writing, shot calls, and thinking out loud from Yoni Rechtman.


digitally native vertical boy, investing at Slow Ventures